Happy Birthday Walter

I would like to take advantage of the fact that despite it being late afternoon on July 29th in the UK, on the Pacific coast it is now approaching four in the morning on the 30th which now makes it Walter’s Birthday.

It is a special birthday for two reasons. Firstly it is the big ‘four oh’ and secondly it is fitting that his birthday falls at a time when he has achieved so much on this journey that has kept us all enthralled and taught us so much about parts of the world so many of us knew little about before and may never get to see in person.

I would like to wish you all the very best for this day Walter and I am sure Tony will be on hand to join in the celebrations.

Congratulations mate


17 thoughts on “Happy Birthday Walter”

  1. Happy Birthday ‘Old Chap”. Unlike most here, I will be buying you a birthday beer at the end of the day. Look forward to it!

  2. From Marina:
    С добрым утром и с днем рождения!
    Принято считать, что в этом возрасте мужчина задумывается над прошлым и у него появляется желание радикально поменять свою жизнь. Некоторые даже совершают безумные поступки, без которых жизнь кажется им бессмысленной (уходят с работы, продают дом, уезжают в одиночку на край света и т.п.). Но они упорно идут своей дорогой. А может это просто дорога их предков?
    Я желаю, чтобы на твоем пути всегда встречались хорошие люди, чтобы дома тебя ждали друзья и любимые люди, чтобы мудрость лет и твой “ангел”-хранитель Ченгиз вели тебя по извилистому пути жизни. Счастья тебе, The Noble One!

  3. Hello Walter!
    All the best to you! – Have fun celebrating your big birthday and enjoy your motorbike trip…
    Meeting you yesterday in Vladivostok was fun!
    Hope we meet in 10 years again… – Preferably sooner 🙂
    Marc from Regensburg (Germany)
    Currently in Vladivostok (Russia)

  4. hello Walter, hard morning todaay, but it s already 7 years more than jesus…
    happy birthday you look younger than 50. like us…
    it s was great to meet you and your freinds in vladivostok, good luck for the rest of your grat tour.

    bye arno

  5. Hi my favourite walibi,
    Finally joining the wise are you? 😛
    Happy birthday. We’ll have that beer when you get back 😎

  6. Happy Birthday old boy…..
    I’m next in 20 days time yikes!
    Tony – at least 40 bottles of beer to be consumed estimated time -4 hours….it casn be done though it is extreme!

  7. Wal, Belated congratulations on your achievements in both time and space. Sent you an email but don’t know if you got it.
    Hope to be welcoming you home before too long. Love you.

  8. Hey Walter – Happy Belated Birthday! Spirits in the sky must really like you to have looked after you along your crazy trip!

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