Sights of Vladivostok

Vladivostok is near one of the largest tiger regions in the world, and tigers are the emblem for much that comes from the region:

Posters celebrating the 65th anniversary of the Soviet Union’s victory against the Nazi’s:

The Embankment … in downtown Vladivostok:

I bumped into some legs:

Sherri Jo bumped into some US Naval Officers:

And then we all bumped into an endless stream of wedding parties:

One thought on “Sights of Vladivostok”

  1. Hey Walter,

    Great to see you back in Russia and blogging and taking photos.


    Good luck on the Road of Bones second time round!

    I hope you 2 have separate tents…

    Still too chicken to do the road via Tomtor?? 🙂

    Ride safe.

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