Film Update

The Sibirsky Extreme Project film is almost done … A preliminary cut of the Sibirsky 2009 video was indeed shown at the recent Horizons Unlimited meet in the UK. Some technical sound problems plagued the debut screening (3rd party equipment). It was only the 2nd time I had seen the film (it was shown to me by the editor 5 hours earlier).

There are still some minor bits of tuning to be done. Sound levels balanced, colour balanced, and a few clips are in the wrong order and wrong place. A few subtitiles (translations) need to be added. But its almost there 

4 thoughts on “Film Update”

  1. Congrats !

    I’m sure there’s a long list of people anticipating see the film and the book.

    I know I am,


  2. It will available on DVD from, but I will put the cool brand new 2 minute opening sequence on You Tube.

  3. Looking forward to the release — the ride reports were truly inspirational! I am a bit bummed, though, that there was no monumental adventure of yours this year!

    Anyway, standing by to chip in and show my appreciation and gratefulness for your making many a dull winter day brighter by letting us share your Siberian adventures.

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