Category Archives: San Marino

Crossing the Rubicon

The day started with a lovely 45 minute ride along the Eastern shore of Lago Garda, before heading in as straight as possible a line for Ancona port.  There were only two things to distract us in our mission to get to Ancona in time to buy some ferry tickets for the overnight boat to Split, Croatia.

First of those distractions was just to the north of Rimini … We came across the Fiume Rubicone … otherwise known as The Rubicon.  This pathetic unremarkable stream once marked the border between the Roman provinces and Italy proper.  The expression to cross the Rubicon is in reference to Julius Caesar, who invaded Italy by crossing the Rubicon with his legions.  Generals were supposed to re-enter Italy “unarmed”, but Caesar crossed with his legions, and in doing so, launched the Civil War against the Senate and its army – a war in which Caesar eventually won – becoming dictator in the process.  So today, WE crossed the Rubicon .. not figuratively, but literally!.

The second distraction of the day was San Marino.  A short side trip up to a mountainside fortress enabled us to claim our 11th country of the trip so far.  The Garmins both went a little crazy on the way back down  … maybe San Marino is a GPS black hole.  or maybe garmin is crap??

Finally we pulled into Ancona port, bought the tickets for ourselves and the bikes to Split and headed off to find the internet cafe … where we sit right now.!

Tomorrow we wake up in Croatia.  Bona Sera !