Category Archives: Sibirsky Extreme


Just days before the final cut is sent off to the DVD printers, the Sibirsky Extreme DVD is now on the Adventure-Spec website and is available for pre-order! Woo-hoo! When it emerges from the printers, there will be both an NTSC (North America) and a PAL (rest of the world) version.

Sibirsky DVD (NTSC)

Sibirsky DVD (PAL)

A preview of the DVD footage which has been professionally put together and edited by a adventure sports film making company, is available here:

Film Update

The Sibirsky Extreme Project film is almost done … A preliminary cut of the Sibirsky 2009 video was indeed shown at the recent Horizons Unlimited meet in the UK. Some technical sound problems plagued the debut screening (3rd party equipment). It was only the 2nd time I had seen the film (it was shown to me by the editor 5 hours earlier).

There are still some minor bits of tuning to be done. Sound levels balanced, colour balanced, and a few clips are in the wrong order and wrong place. A few subtitiles (translations) need to be added. But its almost there